
  • 1932

    The Zero Hour Bomb Company, maker of electric time bombs for oil drilling, is incorporated in Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • 1947

    A West Texas watchmaker named R.D. Hull gets the idea for a new fishing reel after watching a meat counter clerk pull string from a fixed spool

    Hull takes his idea to Zero Hour Bomb Company and the world's first spincast reel is born, guaranteed to never blacklash

  • 1949

    The first "Standard" spincast reels roll off the line

    After a friend quips that the Standard resembles a beer can, Hull demonstrates his American ingenuity (and sense of humor) by making a joke version with an actual can

  • 1950

    George Goetz, Zebco's first sales rep, demonstrates the reel's ease of use with casting tricks - even wearing boxing gloves

  • 1953

    The Zebco booth attracts crowds at sport shows across the country

  • 1954

    The original Zebco 33 is introduced, selling for $19.50

  • 1956

    A friend of President Eisenhower asks the company to send a reel to the White House. When security sees the package labeled "Zero Hour Bomb Co" they plunge it into a tub of water and call the bomb squad!

  • 1956

    Zero Hour Bomb Company offically changes name to Zebco 

    Zebco's Texas rep, Bill Carter, sets world record for most casts without a backlash (3,453 casts in 14 hours an 14 minutes)

  • 1959

    Zebco introduces the first ever youth combo (Zebco Junior) 

  • 1959

    Yep, even Castro got caught up in the Zebco craze

  • 1960

    Zebco introduces the first "balanced" tackle combos, matching reel to rod (77,88,99,101) 

    A young Mickey Mantle and television's "Tonto" check out the latest Zebco reels at a New York sports show 

  • 1961

    Zebco introduces the 202 "ZeeBee" spincast, an instant classic

  • 1961

    The company is aquired by Brunswick Corporation

  • 1966

    Zebco builds and moves into current Tulsa headquarters

  • 1975

    R.D. Hull is inducted into the Sporting Goods Hall of Fame - at the time 70 million Zebco have been sold

  • 1976

    Zebco becomes the first fishing tackle manufacturer to advertise on US network TV

  • 1977

    R.D. Hull passes away at the age of 65

  • 1980

    Zebco introduces the Omega 171, 191, and 181

  • 1984

    30th Anniversary of the Zebco 33

  • 1988

    33rd Anniversary of the Model 33

  • 1989

    Rhino rods set a new standard for tough fishing tackle

  • 1991

    Zebco acquires Martin Fly Fishing

  • 1994
  • 1999

    Zebco celebrates 50 years of making fishing tackle 

  • 2003

    Omega, our most fullfeatured, high-performance spincast design makes its debut 

  • 2004

    Zebco unveils a redesigned Zebco 33 in honor of the reel's 50th anniversary

  • 2004

    The new Zebco 33 Platinum comes out with an all-metal body and all-metal gears 

  • 2005

    The Zebco 33 makes an appearance in "Walk The Line" when Johnny and June go fishing together 

  • 2008

    Hawg Seeker & Bite Alert hits the shelf with audible and visual fish strike alarms

  • 2009

    The Zebco 202, 404 & 606 get a total redesign to make these popular favorites even better 

  • 2011

    Zebco takes serious spincasting up another notch with the new Omega Pro

  • 2014

    Zebco introduces an all-new Zebco 33 for the 60th anniversary

  • 1932
  • 1947
  • 1949
  • 1950
  • 1953
  • 1954
  • 1956
  • 1956
  • 1959
  • 1959
  • 1960
  • 1961
  • 1961
  • 1966
  • 1975
  • 1976
  • 1977
  • 1980
  • 1984
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1991
  • 1994
  • 1999
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2011
  • 2014


The Zero Hour Bomb Company, maker of electric time bombs for oil drilling, is incorporated in Tulsa, Oklahoma


A West Texas watchmaker named R.D. Hull gets the idea for a new fishing reel after watching a meat counter clerk pull string from a fixed spool


Hull takes his idea to Zero Hour Bomb Company and the world's first spincast reel is born, guaranteed to never blacklash


The first "Standard" spincast reels roll off the line


After a friend quips that the Standard resembles a beer can, Hull demonstrates his American ingenuity (and sense of humor) by making a joke version with an actual can


George Goetz, Zebco's first sales rep, demonstrates the reel's ease of use with casting tricks - even wearing boxing gloves


The Zebco booth attracts crowds at sport shows across the country


The original Zebco 33 is introduced, selling for $19.50


A friend of President Eisenhower asks the company to send a reel to the White House. When security sees the package labeled "Zero Hour Bomb Co" they plunge it into a tub of water and call the bomb squad!


Zero Hour Bomb Company offically changes name to Zebco 


Zebco's Texas rep, Bill Carter, sets world record for most casts without a backlash (3,453 casts in 14 hours an 14 minutes)


Zebco introduces the first ever youth combo (Zebco Junior) 


Yep, even Castro got caught up in the Zebco craze


Zebco introduces the first "balanced" tackle combos, matching reel to rod (77,88,99,101) 


A young Mickey Mantle and television's "Tonto" check out the latest Zebco reels at a New York sports show 


Zebco introduces the 202 "ZeeBee" spincast, an instant classic


The company is aquired by Brunswick Corporation


Zebco builds and moves into current Tulsa headquarters


R.D. Hull is inducted into the Sporting Goods Hall of Fame - at the time 70 million Zebco have been sold


Zebco becomes the first fishing tackle manufacturer to advertise on US network TV


R.D. Hull passes away at the age of 65


Zebco introduces the Omega 171, 191, and 181


30th Anniversary of the Zebco 33


33rd Anniversary of the Model 33


Rhino rods set a new standard for tough fishing tackle


Zebco acquires Martin Fly Fishing



Zebco celebrates 50 years of making fishing tackle 


Omega, our most fullfeatured, high-performance spincast design makes its debut 


Zebco unveils a redesigned Zebco 33 in honor of the reel's 50th anniversary


The new Zebco 33 Platinum comes out with an all-metal body and all-metal gears 


The Zebco 33 makes an appearance in "Walk The Line" when Johnny and June go fishing together 


Hawg Seeker & Bite Alert hits the shelf with audible and visual fish strike alarms


The Zebco 202, 404 & 606 get a total redesign to make these popular favorites even better 


Zebco takes serious spincasting up another notch with the new Omega Pro


Zebco introduces an all-new Zebco 33 for the 60th anniversary